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Commit 98a02347 authored by Thomas Flori's avatar Thomas Flori
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add test and ci setup and test locating views

parent 3178aaef
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language: php
- 7.1
- 7.2
sudo: false
- $HOME/.composer/cache
fast_finish: true
- composer install --no-interaction
- sh -c 'if [ "$TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION" = "7.1" ]; then composer require satooshi/php-coveralls:~0.6@stable; fi;'
- mkdir -p build/logs
- composer code-style
- vendor/bin/phpunit -c phpunit.xml --coverage-clover=build/logs/clover.xml --coverage-text
- sh -c 'if [ "$TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION" = "7.1" ]; then php vendor/bin/coveralls -v; fi;'
......@@ -10,6 +10,13 @@
"require-dev": {
"phpunit/phpunit": "^7.4"
"phpunit/phpunit": "^7.4",
"mockery/mockery": "^1.2",
"squizlabs/php_codesniffer": "^3.3"
"autoload-dev": {
"psr-4": {
"Syna\\Test\\": "tests"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<phpunit bootstrap="vendor/autoload.php"
<testsuite name="tests">
<whitelist processUncoveredFilesFromWhitelist="true">
<directory suffix=".php">./src/</directory>
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ class ViewLocator
public function add($name, $path): self
if (file_exists($path)) {
if (!file_exists($path)) {
throw new \LogicException('File ' . $path . ' does not exist');
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ class ViewLocator
foreach (array_reverse($this->paths) as $path) {
$viewPath = $path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $name . $this->extension;
if (file_exists($viewPath)) {
$this->map[$name] = $viewPath;
$this->map[$name] = realpath($viewPath);
return true;
namespace Syna\Test\Locating;
use Syna\Test\TestCase;
use Syna\ViewLocator;
class LocatingViewsTest extends TestCase
/** @test */
public function locatesPhtmlTemplatesByDefault()
$this->createTemplate('greeting.phtml', 'Hello <?= $name ?>!');
$locator = new ViewLocator($this->templatePath);
$result = $locator->has('greeting');
/** @test */
public function returnsFullPathToTemplate()
$fullPath = $this->createTemplate('greeting.phtml', 'Hello <?= $name ?>!');
$locator = new ViewLocator($this->templatePath);
$path = $locator->getPath('greeting');
self::assertSame($fullPath, $path);
/** @test */
public function isNotConfusedByAdditionalSlashes()
$fullPath = $this->createTemplate('form/text.phtml', '<input type="text" name="<?= $e($name) ?>" />');
$locator = new ViewLocator($this->templatePath);
$path = $locator->getPath('/form//text');
self::assertSame($fullPath, $path);
/** @test */
public function throwsWhenViewIsNotAvailable()
$locator = new ViewLocator($this->templatePath);
self::expectExceptionMessage('View test not found');
/** @test */
public function viewsCanManuallyBeAddedWithDifferentNames()
$fullPath = $this->createTemplate('greeting.phtml', 'Hello <?= $name ?>!');
$locator = new ViewLocator('/etc');
$locator->add('greet', $fullPath);
self::assertSame($fullPath, $locator->getPath('greet'));
/** @test */
public function throwsWhenFileDoesNotExist()
$locator = new ViewLocator('/');
self::expectExceptionMessage('File /var/template.phtml does not exist');
$locator->add('template', '/var/template.phtml');
/** @test */
public function searchesTemplatesInReversedOrder()
$defaultPath = $this->createTemplate('default/greeting.phtml', 'Hello <?= $name ?>!');
$themedPath = $this->createTemplate('theme/greeting.phtml', '<p>Hello <?= $name ?>!</p>');
$locator = new ViewLocator($this->templatePath . '/default');
$locator->addPath($this->templatePath . '/theme');
$path = $locator->getPath('greeting');
self::assertSame($themedPath, $path);
/** @test */
public function addFallbackPathWithPrepend()
$defaultPath = $this->createTemplate('default/greeting.phtml', 'Hello <?= $name ?>!');
$this->createTemplate('fallback/greeting.phtml', 'Hello <?= $name ?>!');
$fallbackPath = $this->createTemplate('fallback/welcome.phtml', 'Welcome <?= $name ?>!');
$locator = new ViewLocator($this->templatePath . '/default');
$locator->prependPath($this->templatePath . '/fallback');
self::assertSame($defaultPath, $locator->getPath('greeting'));
self::assertSame($fallbackPath, $locator->getPath('welcome'));
namespace Syna\Test;
use PHPUnit\Framework\AssertionFailedError;
use PHPUnit\Framework\Test;
use PHPUnit\Framework\Warning;
use PHPUnit\TextUI\ResultPrinter;
class Printer extends ResultPrinter
* Replacement symbols for test statuses.
* @var array
protected static $symbols = [
'E' => "\e[31m!\e[0m", // red !
'F' => "\e[31m\xe2\x9c\x96\e[0m", // red X
'W' => "\e[33mW\e[0m", // yellow W
'I' => "\e[33mI\e[0m", // yellow I
'R' => "\e[33mR\e[0m", // yellow R
'S' => "\e[36mS\e[0m", // cyan S
'.' => "\e[32m\xe2\x9c\x94\e[0m", // green checkmark
* Structure of the outputted test row.
* @var string
protected $testRow = '';
/** @var string */
protected $previousClassName = '';
* {@inheritdoc}
protected function writeProgress(string $progress): void
if ($this->hasReplacementSymbol($progress)) {
$progress = static::$symbols[$progress];
$this->write(" {$progress} {$this->testRow}" . PHP_EOL);
* {@inheritdoc}
public function addError(Test $test, \Throwable $e, float $time): void
$this->buildTestRow(get_class($test), $test->getName(), $time, 'fg-red');
parent::addError($test, $e, $time);
* {@inheritdoc}
public function addFailure(Test $test, AssertionFailedError $e, float $time): void
$this->buildTestRow(get_class($test), $test->getName(), $time, 'fg-red');
parent::addFailure($test, $e, $time);
* {@inheritdoc}
public function addWarning(Test $test, Warning $e, float $time): void
$this->buildTestRow(get_class($test), $test->getName(), $time, 'fg-yellow');
parent::addWarning($test, $e, $time);
* {@inheritdoc}
public function addIncompleteTest(Test $test, \Throwable $e, float $time): void
$this->buildTestRow(get_class($test), $test->getName(), $time, 'fg-yellow');
parent::addIncompleteTest($test, $e, $time);
* {@inheritdoc}
public function addRiskyTest(Test $test, \Throwable $e, float $time): void
$this->buildTestRow(get_class($test), $test->getName(), $time, 'fg-yellow');
parent::addRiskyTest($test, $e, $time);
* {@inheritdoc}
public function addSkippedTest(Test $test, \Throwable $e, float $time): void
$this->buildTestRow(get_class($test), $test->getName(), $time, 'fg-cyan');
parent::addSkippedTest($test, $e, $time);
* {@inheritdoc}
public function endTest(Test $test, float $time): void
list($className, $methodName) = \PHPUnit\Util\Test::describe($test);
$this->buildTestRow($className, $methodName, $time);
parent::endTest($test, $time);
* {@inheritdoc}
* We'll handle the coloring ourselves.
protected function writeProgressWithColor(string $color, string $buffer): void
* Formats the results for a single test.
* @param $className
* @param $methodName
* @param $time
* @param $color
protected function buildTestRow($className, $methodName, $time, $color = 'fg-white')
if ($className != $this->previousClassName) {
$this->write(PHP_EOL . $this->formatWithColor('fg-magenta', $className) . PHP_EOL);
$this->previousClassName = $className;
$this->testRow = sprintf(
"(%s) %s",
$this->formatWithColor($color, "{$this->formatMethodName($methodName)}")
* Makes the method name more readable.
* @param $method
* @return mixed
protected function formatMethodName($method)
return ucfirst(
* Replaces underscores in snake case with spaces.
* @param $name
* @return string
protected function splitSnakes($name)
return str_replace('_', ' ', $name);
* Splits camel-cased names while handling caps sections properly.
* @param $name
* @return string
protected function splitCamels($name)
return preg_replace('/(?<=[a-z])(?=[A-Z])|(?<=[A-Z])(?=[A-Z][a-z])/', ' $1', $name);
* Colours the duration if the test took longer than 500ms.
* @param $time
* @return string
protected function formatTestDuration($time)
$testDurationInMs = round($time * 1000);
$duration = $testDurationInMs > 500
? $this->formatWithColor('fg-yellow', $testDurationInMs)
: $testDurationInMs;
return sprintf('%s ms', $duration);
* Verifies if we have a replacement symbol available.
* @param $progress
* @return bool
protected function hasReplacementSymbol($progress)
return in_array($progress, array_keys(static::$symbols));
* Checks if the class name is in format Class::method.
* @param $testName
* @return bool
protected function hasCompoundClassName($testName)
return !empty($testName) && strpos($testName, '::') > -1;
namespace Syna\Test;
use Mockery\Adapter\Phpunit\MockeryTestCase;
class TestCase extends MockeryTestCase
protected $templatePath;
protected function setUp()
$this->templatePath = '/tmp/syna-test';
if (file_exists($this->templatePath)) {
system('rm -Rf ' . $this->templatePath);
protected function createTemplate(string $path, string $content): string
$path = $this->templatePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $path;
if (!file_exists(dirname($path))) {
mkdir(dirname($path), 0755, true);
file_put_contents($path, $content);
return $path;
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