PHP warning in Getopt->parse()
Created by: dregad
I ran a command-line script from my web server, and got the following (version 2.3.0, installed via composer):
Warning: array_shift() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /path/to/vendor/ulrichsg/getopt-php/src/Ulrichsg/Getopt/Getopt.php on line 126
Call Stack:
0.0014 237920 1. {main}() /path/to/script.php:0
0.0123 324888 2. Ulrichsg\Getopt\Getopt->parse() /path/to/script.php:33
0.0124 325256 3. array_shift() /path/to/vendor/ulrichsg/getopt-php/src/Ulrichsg/Getopt/Getopt.php:126
$argv can be null, e.g. when running from web server or when register_argc_argv is disabled, so don't call array_shift() if it is.