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Proposal for handling adding options after object has been created.

Thomas Flori requested to merge github/fork/avargas/master into master

Created by: avargas

This wasn't implemented on the previous pull request - didn't realize you couldn't do.

Basically the constructor did the logc on how to process the arguments and how to parse them. I moved it to a newly created public method addOptions() so we can add more options later on.

I added a new test for my changes.

All tests pass

PHPUnit 3.5.15 by Sebastian Bergmann.

............fetching rest as operands
.......fetching rest as operands
.fetching rest as operands
..fetching rest as operands
..fetching rest as operands

Time: 0 seconds, Memory: 6.75Mb

OK (29 tests, 71 assertions)

Merge request reports