Constructor Argument is required.
Created by: avargas
You shouldn't always have to pass an argument to the constructor, specially when using it along side multiple dynamic files.
Like (just an example
- bootrap.php - initializes getopt
- script1_code.php - adds 4 options to bootrap's getopt object
- script2_code.php - adds 5 options to bootrap's getopt object
so, bootstrap might not add any options by default, but still initializes it.
$ phpunit GetoptTest.php
PHPUnit 3.5.15 by Sebastian Bergmann.
............fetching rest as operands
.......fetching rest as operands
.fetching rest as operands
..fetching rest as operands
..fetching rest as operands
Time: 0 seconds, Memory: 6.75Mb
OK (28 tests, 67 assertions)