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namespace App;
use App\Service\Exception\ConsoleHandler;
use Hugga\Console;
use Monolog\Logger;
use Whoops;
* @property-read Config $config
* @property-read Console $console
* @property-read Logger $logger
* @property-read FanConfig $fanConfig
class Application extends \Riki\Application
/** @var Whoops\Run */
protected $whoops;
protected $fallbackStatus;
public function __construct(string $basePath, Whoops\Run $whoops = null)
$this->whoops = $whoops;
define('HWMON_PATH', '/sys/class/hwmon');
register_shutdown_function([$this, 'resetStatus']);
pcntl_signal(SIGTERM, fn() => $this->handleSignals(SIGTERM));
pcntl_signal(SIGINT, fn() => $this->handleSignals(SIGINT));
// bootstrap the application
protected function initDependencies()
// Register a namespace for factories
$this->registerNamespace('App\Factory', 'Factory');
protected function initWhoops()
$this->whoops || $this->whoops = $this->make(Whoops\Run::class);
$this->whoops->appendHandler(new ConsoleHandler($this));
protected function saveFallbackStatus()
foreach (glob('/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon*/pwm*') as $pwm) {
if (!preg_match('/pwm\d+$/', $pwm)) {
$this->fallbackStatus[$pwm] = [
'' => file_get_contents($pwm),
'_enable' => file_get_contents($pwm . '_enable'),
'_mode' => file_get_contents($pwm . '_mode'),
protected function resetStatus()
if (posix_getuid() !== 0) {
foreach ($this->fallbackStatus as $pwm => $values) {
foreach ($values as $name => $value) {
file_put_contents($pwm . $name, $value);
protected function handleSignals(int $sigNo)
switch ($sigNo) {
case SIGINT:
case SIGUSR1:
// @todo restart? reread config?
namespace App\Command;
use App\Application;
use App\Concerns\WritesToConsole;
use GetOpt\Command;
use GetOpt\GetOpt;
use GetOpt\Option;
use Hugga\Console;
abstract class AbstractCommand extends Command
use WritesToConsole;
/** @var string */
protected $name = 'unnamed';
/** @var string */
protected $description = '';
/** @var Application */
protected $app;
public function __construct(Application $app, Console $console)
$this->app = $app;
$this->console = $console;
parent::__construct($this->name, [$this, 'handle']);
if (!empty($this->description)) {
abstract public function handle(GetOpt $getOpt): int;
namespace App\Command;
use App\Application;
use GetOpt\GetOpt;
use Hugga\Console;
use Hugga\Input\Question\Choice;
use Hugga\Input\Question\Confirmation;
class Config extends AbstractCommand
protected $name = 'config';
protected $description = 'Generate or update fan configuration';
public function __construct(Application $app, Console $console)
parent::__construct($app, $console);
public function handle(GetOpt $getOpt): int
if (posix_getuid() !== 0) {
$this->warn('This programm has to run as root');
return 1;
if ($this->getOption('quiet')) {
$this->warn('This command requires user interaction');
return 1;
$fanConfig = $this->app->fanConfig;
if (!$fanConfig->hasFans()) {
if (!$this->initializeConfig()) {
return 1;
$actions = new Choice([
'edit a fan',
'add a sensor',
'edit a sensor',
'add a rule',
'edit a rule',
'save and exit',
'exit without saving',
], 'What next?', 'save and exit');
do {
$answer = $this->console->ask($actions);
switch ($answer) {
case 'exit without saving':
break 2;
case 'save and exit':
// $fanConfig->save();
break 2;
$this->info('not implemented');
} while (true);
// - edit a fan
// - add a sensor
// - edit a sensor
// - add a rule
// - edit a rule
// - save and leave
// - leave without saving
return 0;
protected function initializeConfig()
$fanConfig = $this->app->fanConfig;
$this->info('No fans configured. Detecting fans...');
$fans = $this->detectControllableFans();
if (count($fans) > 0) {
// for each fan
// ask if it should be added
// ask for a name
// test min speed
// ask for a pwm limit
// add the fan to the config
return true;
$this->error('We could not find any fan to control.');
return false;
protected function detectControllableFans(): array
$fans = [];
$inputs = glob(HWMON_PATH . '/hwmon*/fan*_input');
$inputs = array_reduce($inputs, function ($inputs, $input) {
if (!preg_match('~(hwmon(\d+)/(fan\d+))_input$~', $input, $match)) {
return $inputs;
$hwmon = trim(file_get_contents(HWMON_PATH . '/hwmon' . $match[2] . '/name'));
$fan = $match[3];
$pwm = preg_replace('~fan(\d+)~', 'pwm$1', $fan);
$name = $hwmon . '/' . $fan;
$inputs[$name] = [
'input' => $input,
'pwm' => preg_replace('~fan(\d+)_input~', 'pwm$1', $input),
'hwmon' => 'hwmon' . $match[2],
'name' => $name,
'type' => 'hwmon',
'options' => [
'hwmon' => $hwmon,
'fan' => $fan,
'pwm' => $pwm,
return $inputs;
}, []);
$unknownInputs = [];
foreach ($inputs as $name => $input) {
[$min, $max] = $this->testPwm($input['pwm'], $input['input']);
if ($max === 0 || $min > $max*0.4) {
$unknownInputs[$name] = $input;
$this->info(sprintf('%s at full speed: %d; stopped: %d', $name, $max, $min));
$fans[] = $input;
if (count($unknownInputs) > 0) {
$this->info('Some fans could not be assigned to a pwm. Trying remaining pwms...');
$assignedPwms = array_map(fn($fan) => $fan['pwm'], $fans);
$pwms = array_reduce(glob(HWMON_PATH . '/hwmon*/pwm*'), function ($pwms, $pwm) use ($assignedPwms) {
if (!preg_match('~(hwmon(\d+)/pwm(\d+))$~', $pwm, $match) || in_array($pwm, $assignedPwms)) {
return $pwms;
$hwmon = $match[2];
if (!isset($pwms[$hwmon])) {
$pwms[$hwmon] = [];
$pwms[$hwmon][] = $pwm;
return $pwms;
}, []);
foreach ($unknownInputs as $id => $input) {
if (!isset($pwms[$input['hwmon']])) {
foreach ($pwms[$input['hwmon']] as $pwm) {
if ($input['pwm'] !== $pwm) {
[$min, $max] = $this->testPwm($pwm, $input['input']);
if ($max === 0 || $min > $max*0.4) {
$input['pwm'] = $pwm;
$input['options']['pwm'] = basename($pwm);
$fans[] = $input;
continue 2;
$this->info($id . ' not connected or not controllable');
return array_map(function ($fan) {
unset($fan['input'], $fan['pwm']);
return $fan;
}, $fans);
protected function testPwm($pwm, $input): array
$currentEnable = file_get_contents($pwm . '_enable');
file_put_contents($pwm . '_enable', '1');
file_put_contents($pwm, '255');
$fullSpeed = (int)file_get_contents($input);
if ($fullSpeed === 0) {
file_put_contents($pwm . '_enable', $currentEnable);
return [0, 0];
file_put_contents($pwm, '0');
$stopSpeed = (int)file_get_contents($input);
file_put_contents($pwm . '_enable', $currentEnable);
return [$stopSpeed, $fullSpeed];
namespace App\Concerns;
use Hugga\Console;
use Hugga\Output\Drawing\Table;
/** @codeCoverageIgnore wrapper for console methods */
trait WritesToConsole
/** @var Console */
protected $console;
public function setConsole(Console $console)
$this->console = $console;
* Write $message to stdout
* @param string $message
* @param int $weight
protected function write(string $message, int $weight = Console::WEIGHT_NORMAL): void
$this->console->write($message, $weight);
* Write $message to stderr
* @param string $message
* @param int $weight
protected function writeError(string $message, int $weight = Console::WEIGHT_HIGH): void
$this->console->writeError($message, $weight);
* Shortcut to ->write('Your message' . PHP_EOL);
* @param string $message
* @param int $weight
protected function line(string $message, int $weight = Console::WEIGHT_NORMAL): void
$this->console->line($message, $weight);
* Shortcut to ->write('${green;bold}Your message' . PHP_EOL)
* @param string $message
* @param int $weight
protected function info(string $message, int $weight = Console::WEIGHT_NORMAL)
$this->console->info($message, $weight);
* Shortcut to ->write('${red;bold}Your message' . PHP_EOL, WEIGHT_HIGHER);
* @param string $message
* @param int $weight
protected function warn(string $message, int $weight = Console::WEIGHT_HIGHER)
$this->console->warn($message, $weight);
* Write a highlighted error message (red bg; spacing) to stderr
* @param string $message
* @param int $weight
public function error(string $message, int $weight = Console::WEIGHT_HIGH): void
$this->console->error($message, $weight);
public function table(iterable $rows, array $columns = null)
$table = new Table($this->console, $rows, $columns);
namespace App;
use Riki\Environment;
class Config extends \Riki\Config
/** @var string */
public $defaultConfigPath;
/** @var string */
public $defaultLogPath;
/** @var string */
public $hwmonPath = '/sys/class/hwmon';
public function __construct(Environment $environment)
$this->defaultConfigPath = $this->env('CONFIG_PATH', '/etc/fan-ctrl.php');
$this->defaultLogPath = $this->env('LOG_PATH', '/var/log/fan-ctrl.log');
namespace App;
class Environment extends \Riki\Environment
public function canCacheConfig(): bool
return false;
namespace App\Factory;
use App\Application;
use DependencyInjector\Factory\AbstractFactory as BaseAbstractFactory;
* @property Application $container
abstract class AbstractFactory extends BaseAbstractFactory
namespace App\Factory;
use Hugga\Console;
class ConsoleFactory extends AbstractFactory
protected $shared = true;
* @return Console
protected function build()
$console = new Console($this->container->get('logger'));
return $console;
namespace App\Factory;
use Monolog\Formatter\LineFormatter;
use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler;
use Monolog\Logger;
class LoggerFactory extends AbstractFactory
protected $shared = true;
* This method builds the instance.
* @return Logger
* @throws \Exception
protected function build()
$logPath = $this->container->config->defaultLogPath;
$handler = new StreamHandler($logPath, Logger::INFO);
$handler->setFormatter(new LineFormatter(null, null, true));
return new Logger('app', [ $handler ]);
namespace App;
class FanConfig
protected $path = '/dev/null';
protected $fans = [];
public function hasFans(): bool
return count($this->fans) > 0;
public function setFans(array $fans): self
// do we validate that? or was it validated already?
$this->fans = $fans;
return $this;
public static function readConfig(string $path): self
$self = new FanConfig();
$self->path = $path;
if (!file_exists($path)) {
return $self;
$cfg = include($path);
// validate config
if (!is_array($cfg)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('given configuration is not a fan-ctrl config');
$self = new FanConfig();
$self->path = $path;
$self->fans = $cfg['fans'] ?? [];
return $self;
public function save()
// ob_start();
// $fans = $this->fans;
// include __DIR__ . '/../resources/config-template.php';
// $code = ob_get_clean();
$code = '<?php' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL .
'return ' . $this->exportArray([
'fans' => $this->fans,
]) . ';' . PHP_EOL;
file_put_contents($this->path, $code);
// exec(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix ' . $this->path . ' --rules');
protected function exportArray(array $array, $indentation = 0)
$indexed = array_keys($array) === array_keys(array_keys($array));
$indentation += 4;
$var = '[' . PHP_EOL;
foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
$var .= str_repeat(' ', $indentation);
if (!$indexed) {
$var .= var_export($key, true) . ' => ';
$var .= is_array($value) ? $this->exportArray($value, $indentation) : var_export($value, true);
$var .= ',' . PHP_EOL;
$indentation -= 4;
$var .= str_repeat(' ', $indentation) . ']';
return $var;
namespace App;
use GetOpt\ArgumentException;
use GetOpt\ArgumentException\Missing;
use GetOpt\Arguments;
use GetOpt\GetOpt;
use GetOpt\Option;
use Hugga\Console;
use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler;
use Monolog\Logger;
class Kernel extends \Riki\Kernel
/** @var string[] */
protected static $commands = [
/** @var \Riki\Application|Application */
protected $app;
/** @var GetOpt */
protected $getOpt;
public function __construct(Application $app)
// bootstrap the kernel
* @param array|string|Arguments $arguments
* @return int
public function handle($arguments = null): int
$getOpt = $this->getGetOpt();
$console = $this->app->console;
// process arguments and catch user errors
try {
try {
} catch (Missing $exception) {
// catch missing exceptions if help is requested
if (!$getOpt->getOption('help')) {
throw $exception;
} catch (ArgumentException $exception) {
return 128;
if ($logPath = $getOpt->getOption('log')) {
/** @var StreamHandler $logHandler */
$logHandler = $this->app->logger->popHandler();
$formatter = $logHandler->getFormatter();
$logHandler = new StreamHandler($logPath, Logger::INFO);
$configPath = $getOpt->getOption('config') ?: $this->app->config->defaultConfigPath;
$this->app->instance('fanConfig', FanConfig::readConfig($configPath));
$command = $getOpt->getCommand();
if (!$command || $getOpt->getOption('help')) {
if ($cmdName = $getOpt->getOperand(0)) {
$console->error(sprintf('Command %s not found', $cmdName));
} elseif (!$getOpt->getOption('help')) {
$console->error('No command given');
return $getOpt->getOption('help') ? 0 : 1;
if ($verbose = $getOpt->getOption('verbose')) {
while ($verbose--) {
} elseif ($getOpt->getOption('quiet')) {
return call_user_func($command->getHandler(), $getOpt);
* Create a getOpt instance for this kernel, add default options and load registered commands.
* @return GetOpt
public function getGetOpt(): GetOpt
if (!$this->getOpt) {
/** @var GetOpt $getOpt */
$this->getOpt = $getOpt = $this->app->make(GetOpt::class);
Option::create('h', 'help')
->setDescription('Show this help message'),
Option::create('v', 'verbose')
->setDescription('Be verbose (can be stacked: -vv very verbose -vvv debug)'),
Option::create('q', 'quiet')
->setDescription('Disable questions and show only warnings'),
Option::create('c', 'config', GetOpt::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT)
->setDescription('Use a different configuration file'),
Option::create('l', 'log', GetOpt::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT)
->setDescription('Log to a different file'),
foreach (static::$commands as $class) {
if (!class_exists($class)) {
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
continue; // avoid errors for deleted commands
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
$getOpt->addCommand($this->app->make($class, $this->app, $this->app->console));
return $this->getOpt;
namespace App\Model;
class Pwm
const ENABLE_MANUAL = 1;
namespace App\Service\Exception;
use App\Application;
use App\Service\Exception\Formatter\Console as ConsoleFormatter;
use Hugga\Console;
use Whoops\Handler\Handler;
class ConsoleHandler extends Handler
* @return int|null A handler may return nothing, or a Handler::HANDLE_* constant
public function handle()
$console = Application::console();
/** @var ConsoleFormatter $formatter */
$formatter = Application::app()->make(ConsoleFormatter::class, $this->getInspector());
$console->writeError($formatter->formatMessage() . PHP_EOL);
PHP_EOL . '${b}Stack Trace:${r}' . PHP_EOL . $formatter->formatTrace() . PHP_EOL,
return self::QUIT;
namespace App\Service\Exception;
use App\Application as app;
use Whoops\Exception\Inspector;
abstract class Formatter
/** @var Inspector */
protected $inspector;
/** @var array */
protected $options = [];
* Formatter constructor.
* @param Inspector $inspector
* @param array $options
public function __construct(Inspector $inspector, array $options = [])
$this->inspector = $inspector;
$this->options = array_merge_recursive($this->options, $options);
abstract public function formatMessage(): string;
abstract public function formatTrace(): string;
protected function replacePath(string $path): string
try {
$projectPath = app::config()->env('PROJECT_PATH');
if ($projectPath) {
$path = preg_replace(
'~^' . app::app()->getBasePath() . '~',
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
// ignore this error because we are already in an error handler
return $path;
protected function generateArgs(array $args): string
$result = [];
foreach ($args as $arg) {
switch (gettype($arg)) {
case 'object':
$result[] = get_class($arg);
case 'string':
if (!class_exists($arg)) {
$arg = strlen($arg) > 20 ? substr($arg, 0, 20) . '…' : $arg;
$result[] = sprintf('"%s"', $arg);
case 'integer':
case 'double':
$result[] = (string)$arg;
case 'boolean':
$result[] = $arg ? 'true' : 'false';
$result[] = gettype($arg);
return implode(', ', $result);
namespace App\Service\Exception\Formatter;
use App\Service\Exception\Formatter;
class Console extends Formatter
public function formatMessage(): string
return $this->generateMessage($this->inspector->getException());
public function formatTrace(): string
static $template = PHP_EOL . '${b}%3d.${r} ${light-magenta}%s->%s${r}(%s)' . PHP_EOL .
' ${grey}in ${blue}%s ${grey}on line ${yellow}%d${r}';
$frames = $this->inspector->getFrames();
$response = '';
$line = 1;
foreach ($frames as $frame) {
$response .= str_replace('{none}->', '', sprintf(
$frame->getClass() ?: '{none}',
return substr($response, strlen(PHP_EOL));
protected function generateMessage(\Throwable $exception): string
$message = sprintf(
'${b}%s${yellow}%s${r}: ${red;b}%s ${grey}in ${blue}%s ${grey}on line ${yellow}%d${r}',
$exception->getCode() ? '(' . $exception->getCode() . ')' : '',
if ($exception->getPrevious()) {
$message .= PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . 'Caused by ' . $this->generateMessage($exception->getPrevious());
return $message;
namespace App\Service\Exception\Formatter;
use App\Service\Exception\Formatter;
use Throwable;
class Log extends Formatter
public function formatMessage(): string
return $this->generateMessage($this->inspector->getException());
public function formatTrace(): string
static $template = ' #%d %s->%s(%s) in %s on line %d';
$frames = $this->inspector->getFrames();
$response = '';
$line = 1;
foreach ($frames as $frame) {
$response .= str_replace('{none}->', '', sprintf(
$frame->getClass() ?: '{none}',
return substr($response, 1); // remove the first space
protected function generateMessage(Throwable $exception)
$message = sprintf(
'%s%s: %s in %s on line %d',
$exception->getCode() ? '(' . $exception->getCode() . ')' : '',
if ($exception->getPrevious()) {
$message .= ' [Caused by ' . $this->generateMessage($exception->getPrevious()) . ']';
return $message;
namespace App\Service\Exception;
use App\Application;
use App\Service\Exception\Formatter\Log as LogFormatter;
use Whoops\Handler\Handler;
class LogHandler extends Handler
public function handle()
$logger = Application::logger();
/** @var LogFormatter $formatter */
$formatter = Application::app()->make(LogFormatter::class, $this->getInspector());
$logger->debug('Stack Trace: ' . $formatter->formatTrace());
return Handler::DONE;
#!/usr/bin/env php
use App\Application;
use App\Kernel;
require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
$app = new Application(realPath(__DIR__ . '/..'));
$kernel = new Kernel($app);
$returnVar = $app->run($kernel);
"minimum-stability": "RC",
"bin": ["bin/fan-ctrl"],
"require": {
"tflori/riki-framework": "dev-master",
"tflori/hugga": "^1.1",
"ulrichsg/getopt-php": "^4.0",
"filp/whoops": "^2.14",
"monolog/monolog": "^1.9",
"ext-pcntl": "*",
"php": ">=7.4"
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"App\\": "app"
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