use DependencyInjector\DI;
class DependencyInjectorTest extends TestCase
* Test that the setup works - the class should exist
* Test that constructor is not callable
public function testPrivateConstructor()
$refDI = new ReflectionClass(DI::class);
$refConstruct = $refDI->getMethod('__construct');
* Test that DI::get() throws a exception when the requested dependency is unknown.
public function testGetThrowsForUnknownDependencies()
$this->expectExceptionMessage("Unknown dependency 'unknown'");
* Test that DI::set() stores something.
public function testSetStoresSomethingNotCallable()
$something = [$this, 'nonExistingMethod'];
* Test that DI::get() executes the given function and returns the return value.
public function testGetExecutesAnonymousFunctions()
DI::set('anonymous', function () {
return 'fooBar';
$result = DI::get('anonymous');
public function testGetExecutesCallable()
DI::set('getter', [$this, 'getDependencyExample']);
$result = DI::get('getter');
self::assertSame('fooBar', $result);
public function getDependencyExample()
return 'fooBar';
public function testSetStoresValue()
$something = [$this, 'getDependencyExample'];
DI::set('array', $something, false, true);
$result = DI::get('array');
self::assertSame($something, $result);
* Test that the function got not executed before get.
public function testSetDoesNotExecute()
DI::set('dontCall', function () use (&$calls) {
* Test that the function got executed only once.
public function testGet_executesOnce()
DI::set('callOnce', function () use (&$calls) {
$calls = $calls + 1;
return new DateTime();
* Test that a non singleton got executed for each get.
public function testGet_executesNonSingleton()
DI::set('callTwice', function () use (&$calls) {
$calls = $calls + 1;
return new DateTime();
}, false);
* Test that DI::set() overrides created instances.
public function testSet_overridesInstances()
DI::set('microtime', function () {
return microtime(true);
$result1 = DI::get('microtime');
DI::set('microtime', function () {
return microtime(true);
$result2 = DI::get('microtime');
* Test that you can get instances with magic method.
public function testGet_callStatic()
DI::set('magicCall', true);
/** @noinspection PhpUndefinedMethodInspection */
$result = DI::magicCall();
* Test that undefined dependencies return the class name if it exists.
public function testGet_returnsClassName()
* Test that a class name has to be case sensitive.
public function testGet_classNameIsCaseSensitive()
$this->expectExceptionMessage("Unknown dependency '" . strtolower(__CLASS__) . "'");
$result = DI::get(strtolower(__CLASS__));
* Test that you can override class names.
public function testGet_returnsStored()
DI::set(__CLASS__, 'FooBar');
$result = DI::get(__CLASS__);
* Test that DI::reset() resets the DependencyInjector.
public function testReset()
DI::set(__CLASS__, function () {
return 'FooBar';
self::assertSame(__CLASS__, DI::get(__CLASS__));
DI::set('foo', 'bar');
public function testDelete()
DI::set('foo', function () {
return 'bar';