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Authored by
Thomas Flori
Class Rendertime
This helper class is for uncomplicated profiling of executed code. Just place anywhere in your code:
// your code
You can start multiple keys at the same time. The time is recorded for each key separately.
To receive the rendertime statistics, just call: Rendertime::getRendertime()
If there is interest I can deploy that to packagist.
* Class Rendertime
* This helper class is for uncomplicated profiling of executed code.
* Just place anywhere in your code:
* ```php
* Rendertime::start('key');
* // your code
* Rendertime::end('key');
* ```
* You can start multiple keys at the same time. The time is recorded for each key separately.
* To receive the rendertime statistics, just call: `Rendertime::getRendertime()`.
class Rendertime
private $lastCall;
private $stack = [];
private $renderTimes = [];
// singleton instance
/** @var Rendertime */
private static $instance = null;
private function __construct(float $start = 0)
$this->lastCall = ($start > 0) ? $start : microtime(true);
$this->stack[] = ['other', 0];
private function __clone()
/** @return Rendertime */
public static function getInstance($fStartTime = 0)
if (null === self::$instance) {
self::$instance = new self($fStartTime);
return self::$instance;
public static function __callStatic($name, $arguments)
return call_user_func_array([self::getInstance(), $name], $arguments);
private function start(string $key)
$now = microtime(true);
$past = $now - $this->lastCall;
$currentItem = &$this->stack[count($this->stack) - 1];
$currentItem[1] += $past;
$this->stack[] = [$key, 0];
$this->lastCall = microtime(true);
return true;
private function end(string $key)
$now = microtime(true);
if (!in_array($key, array_column(array_reverse($this->stack), 0))) {
return false;
$past = $now - $this->lastCall;
do {
[$currentKey] = array_pop($this->stack);
$past = 0;
} while ($key != $currentKey);
$this->lastCall = microtime(true);
return true;
private function recordTime(float $past)
[$currentKey, $value] = $this->stack[count($this->stack) - 1];
if (!isset($this->renderTimes[$currentKey])) {
$this->renderTimes[$currentKey] = [];
$this->renderTimes[$currentKey][] = $value + $past;
private function getRendertime(string $key = null): array
$this->recordTime(microtime(true) - $this->lastCall);
$this->lastCall = microtime(true);
if (is_null($key)) {
$renderTimes = array_map([$this, 'buildStatistics'], $this->renderTimes);
$renderTimes['overall'] = $this->buildStatistics(array_merge(...array_values($this->renderTimes)));
return $renderTimes;
} else {
return $this->buildStatistics($this->renderTimes[$key] ?? []);
private function buildStatistics(array $times): array
if (empty($times)) {
return ['count' => 0, 'min' => 0, 'max' => 0, 'avg' => 0, 'sum' => 0];
$count = count($times);
$min = min($times);
$max = max($times);
$sum = array_sum($times);
$avg = $sum / $count;
return compact('count', 'min', 'max', 'avg', 'sum');
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