## API Reference ### Breyta * [AbstractMigration](#breytaabstractmigration) * [AdapterInterface](#breytaadapterinterface) * [BasicAdapter](#breytabasicadapter) * [CallbackProgress](#breytacallbackprogress) * [ProgressInterface](#breytaprogressinterface) ### Breyta\Migration * [CreateMigrationTable](#breytamigrationcreatemigrationtable) ### Breyta\Model * [Migration](#breytamodelmigration) * [Statement](#breytamodelstatement) --- ### Breyta\AdapterInterface #### Interface AdapterInterface You may want to define an adapter with additional helpers like creating tables etc. The only adapter provided in this library is a BasicAdapter that just executes sql statements. #### Methods * [__construct](#breytaadapterinterface__construct) Adapter gets a callable $executor * [exec](#breytaadapterinterfaceexec) Execute an sql statement #### Breyta\AdapterInterface::__construct ```php public function __construct( callable $executor ): AdapterInterface ``` ##### Adapter gets a callable $executor The executor requires a Breyta\Model\Statement argument and is the only way an adapter can interact with the database. **Visibility:** this method is **public**. <br /> ##### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Description | |-----------|------|-------------| | `$executor` | **callable** | | #### Breyta\AdapterInterface::exec ```php public function exec( string $sql ): mixed ``` ##### Execute an sql statement Returns false on error and an integer of affected rows on success. **Visibility:** this method is **public**. <br /> **Returns**: this method returns **mixed** <br /> ##### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Description | |-----------|------|-------------| | `$sql` | **string** | | **See Also:** * http://php.net/manual/en/pdo.exec.php - for a details about the return statement --- ### Breyta\Model\Migration #### Properties | Visibility | Name | Type | Description | |------------|------|------|---------------------------------------| | **public** | `$file` | **string** | | | **public** | `$executed` | ** \ DateTime** | | | **public** | `$reverted` | ** \ DateTime** | | | **public** | `$status` | **string** | | | **public** | `$statements` | **string | array | array<Statement>** | | | **public** | `$executionTime` | **double** | | #### Methods * [__construct](#breytamodelmigration__construct) * [createInstance](#breytamodelmigrationcreateinstance) #### Breyta\Model\Migration::__construct ```php public function __construct(): Migration ``` **Visibility:** this method is **public**. <br /> #### Breyta\Model\Migration::createInstance ```php public static function createInstance( array $data = array() ) ``` **Static:** this method is **static**. <br />**Visibility:** this method is **public**. <br /> ##### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Description | |-----------|------|-------------| | `$data` | **array** | | --- ### Breyta\ProgressInterface #### Methods * [afterExecution](#breytaprogressinterfaceafterexecution) Output information about the $statement (after it gets executed) * [afterMigration](#breytaprogressinterfaceaftermigration) Output information about the $migration (after the migration) * [beforeExecution](#breytaprogressinterfacebeforeexecution) Output information about the $statement (before it gets executed) * [beforeMigration](#breytaprogressinterfacebeforemigration) Output information about the $migration (before the migration) * [finish](#breytaprogressinterfacefinish) Output information about what just happened * [start](#breytaprogressinterfacestart) Output information about starting the migration process #### Breyta\ProgressInterface::afterExecution ```php public function afterExecution( \Breyta\Model\Statement $execution ) ``` ##### Output information about the $statement (after it gets executed) **Visibility:** this method is **public**. <br /> ##### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Description | |-----------|------|-------------| | `$execution` | **Model\Statement** | | #### Breyta\ProgressInterface::afterMigration ```php public function afterMigration( \Breyta\Model\Migration $migration ) ``` ##### Output information about the $migration (after the migration) **Visibility:** this method is **public**. <br /> ##### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Description | |-----------|------|-------------| | `$migration` | **Model\Migration** | | #### Breyta\ProgressInterface::beforeExecution ```php public function beforeExecution( \Breyta\Model\Statement $execution ) ``` ##### Output information about the $statement (before it gets executed) **Visibility:** this method is **public**. <br /> ##### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Description | |-----------|------|-------------| | `$execution` | **Model\Statement** | | #### Breyta\ProgressInterface::beforeMigration ```php public function beforeMigration( \Breyta\Model\Migration $migration ) ``` ##### Output information about the $migration (before the migration) **Visibility:** this method is **public**. <br /> ##### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Description | |-----------|------|-------------| | `$migration` | **Model\Migration** | | #### Breyta\ProgressInterface::finish ```php public function finish( \stdClass $info ) ``` ##### Output information about what just happened Info contains: - `migrations` - an array of Breyta\Model\Migration - `task` - the task that is going to be executed (migrate or revert) - `count` - an integer how many migrations are going to be executed - `executed` - an array of migrations that just got executed **Visibility:** this method is **public**. <br /> ##### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Description | |-----------|------|-------------| | `$info` | **\stdClass** | | #### Breyta\ProgressInterface::start ```php public function start( \stdClass $info ) ``` ##### Output information about starting the migration process Info contains: - `migrations` - an array of Breyta\Model\Migration - `task` - the task that is going to be executed (migrate or revert) - `count` - an integer how many migrations are going to be executed - `toExecute` - an array of migrations that are going to be executed **Visibility:** this method is **public**. <br /> ##### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Description | |-----------|------|-------------| | `$info` | **\stdClass** | | --- ### Breyta\Model\Statement #### Properties | Visibility | Name | Type | Description | |------------|------|------|---------------------------------------| | **public** | `$raw` | **string** | | | **public** | `$teaser` | **string** | | | **public** | `$action` | **string** | | | **public** | `$type` | **string** | | | **public** | `$name` | **string** | | | **public** | `$result` | **mixed** | | | **public** | `$executionTime` | **double** | | | **public** | `$exception` | ** \ PDOException** | | #### Methods * [__toString](#breytamodelstatement__tostring) * [createInstance](#breytamodelstatementcreateinstance) #### Breyta\Model\Statement::__toString ```php public function __toString() ``` **Visibility:** this method is **public**. <br /> #### Breyta\Model\Statement::createInstance ```php public static function createInstance( array $data = array() ) ``` **Static:** this method is **static**. <br />**Visibility:** this method is **public**. <br /> ##### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Description | |-----------|------|-------------| | `$data` | **array** | | --- ### Breyta\AbstractMigration #### Properties | Visibility | Name | Type | Description | |------------|------|------|---------------------------------------| | **private** | `$adapter` | | | #### Methods * [__call](#breytaabstractmigration__call) * [__construct](#breytaabstractmigration__construct) * [down](#breytaabstractmigrationdown) Bring the migration down * [up](#breytaabstractmigrationup) Bring the migration up #### Breyta\AbstractMigration::__call ```php public function __call( $method, $args ) ``` **Visibility:** this method is **public**. <br /> ##### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Description | |-----------|------|-------------| | `$method` | | | | `$args` | | | #### Breyta\AbstractMigration::__construct ```php public function __construct( \Breyta\AdapterInterface $adapter ): AbstractMigration ``` **Visibility:** this method is **public**. <br /> ##### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Description | |-----------|------|-------------| | `$adapter` | **AdapterInterface** | | #### Breyta\AbstractMigration::down ```php abstract public function down() ``` ##### Bring the migration down **Visibility:** this method is **public**. <br /> #### Breyta\AbstractMigration::up ```php abstract public function up() ``` ##### Bring the migration up **Visibility:** this method is **public**. <br /> --- ### Breyta\CallbackProgress **Implements:** [Breyta\ProgressInterface](#breytaprogressinterface) Stores callbacks for migration progress. #### Properties | Visibility | Name | Type | Description | |------------|------|------|---------------------------------------| | **protected** | `$startCallback` | **callable** | | | **protected** | `$beforeMigrationCallback` | **callable** | | | **protected** | `$beforeExecutionCallback` | **callable** | | | **protected** | `$afterExecutionCallback` | **callable** | | | **protected** | `$afterMigrationCallback` | **callable** | | | **protected** | `$finishCallback` | **callable** | | #### Methods * [afterExecution](#breytacallbackprogressafterexecution) Output information about the $statement (after it gets executed) * [afterMigration](#breytacallbackprogressaftermigration) Output information about the $migration (after the migration) * [beforeExecution](#breytacallbackprogressbeforeexecution) Output information about the $statement (before it gets executed) * [beforeMigration](#breytacallbackprogressbeforemigration) Output information about the $migration (before the migration) * [finish](#breytacallbackprogressfinish) Output information about what just happened * [onAfterExecution](#breytacallbackprogressonafterexecution) * [onAfterMigration](#breytacallbackprogressonaftermigration) * [onBeforeExecution](#breytacallbackprogressonbeforeexecution) * [onBeforeMigration](#breytacallbackprogressonbeforemigration) * [onFinish](#breytacallbackprogressonfinish) * [onStart](#breytacallbackprogressonstart) * [start](#breytacallbackprogressstart) Output information about starting the migration process #### Breyta\CallbackProgress::afterExecution ```php public function afterExecution( \Breyta\Model\Statement $execution ) ``` ##### Output information about the $statement (after it gets executed) **Visibility:** this method is **public**. <br /> ##### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Description | |-----------|------|-------------| | `$execution` | **Model\Statement** | | #### Breyta\CallbackProgress::afterMigration ```php public function afterMigration( \Breyta\Model\Migration $migration ) ``` ##### Output information about the $migration (after the migration) **Visibility:** this method is **public**. <br /> ##### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Description | |-----------|------|-------------| | `$migration` | **Model\Migration** | | #### Breyta\CallbackProgress::beforeExecution ```php public function beforeExecution( \Breyta\Model\Statement $execution ) ``` ##### Output information about the $statement (before it gets executed) **Visibility:** this method is **public**. <br /> ##### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Description | |-----------|------|-------------| | `$execution` | **Model\Statement** | | #### Breyta\CallbackProgress::beforeMigration ```php public function beforeMigration( \Breyta\Model\Migration $migration ) ``` ##### Output information about the $migration (before the migration) **Visibility:** this method is **public**. <br /> ##### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Description | |-----------|------|-------------| | `$migration` | **Model\Migration** | | #### Breyta\CallbackProgress::finish ```php public function finish( \stdClass $info ) ``` ##### Output information about what just happened Info contains: - `migrations` - an array of Breyta\Model\Migration - `executed` - an array of migrations that just got executed **Visibility:** this method is **public**. <br /> ##### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Description | |-----------|------|-------------| | `$info` | **\stdClass** | | #### Breyta\CallbackProgress::onAfterExecution ```php public function onAfterExecution( callable $callback ) ``` **Visibility:** this method is **public**. <br /> ##### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Description | |-----------|------|-------------| | `$callback` | **callable** | | #### Breyta\CallbackProgress::onAfterMigration ```php public function onAfterMigration( callable $callback ) ``` **Visibility:** this method is **public**. <br /> ##### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Description | |-----------|------|-------------| | `$callback` | **callable** | | #### Breyta\CallbackProgress::onBeforeExecution ```php public function onBeforeExecution( callable $callback ) ``` **Visibility:** this method is **public**. <br /> ##### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Description | |-----------|------|-------------| | `$callback` | **callable** | | #### Breyta\CallbackProgress::onBeforeMigration ```php public function onBeforeMigration( callable $callback ) ``` **Visibility:** this method is **public**. <br /> ##### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Description | |-----------|------|-------------| | `$callback` | **callable** | | #### Breyta\CallbackProgress::onFinish ```php public function onFinish( callable $callback ) ``` **Visibility:** this method is **public**. <br /> ##### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Description | |-----------|------|-------------| | `$callback` | **callable** | | #### Breyta\CallbackProgress::onStart ```php public function onStart( callable $callback ) ``` **Visibility:** this method is **public**. <br /> ##### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Description | |-----------|------|-------------| | `$callback` | **callable** | | #### Breyta\CallbackProgress::start ```php public function start( \stdClass $info ) ``` ##### Output information about starting the migration process Info contains: - `migrations` - an array of Breyta\Model\Migration - `count` - an integer how many migrations are going to be executed **Visibility:** this method is **public**. <br /> ##### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Description | |-----------|------|-------------| | `$info` | **\stdClass** | | --- ### Breyta\BasicAdapter **Implements:** [Breyta\AdapterInterface](#breytaadapterinterface) #### Properties | Visibility | Name | Type | Description | |------------|------|------|---------------------------------------| | **protected** | `$executor` | **callable** | | #### Methods * [__construct](#breytabasicadapter__construct) Adapter gets a callable $executor * [exec](#breytabasicadapterexec) Execute an sql statement * [getStatement](#breytabasicadaptergetstatement) #### Breyta\BasicAdapter::__construct ```php public function __construct( callable $executor ): BasicAdapter ``` ##### Adapter gets a callable $executor The executor requires a Breyta\Model\Statement argument and is the only way an adapter can interact with the database. **Visibility:** this method is **public**. <br /> ##### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Description | |-----------|------|-------------| | `$executor` | **callable** | | #### Breyta\BasicAdapter::exec ```php public function exec( \Breyta\string $sql ): mixed ``` ##### Execute an sql statement Returns false on error and an integer of affected rows on success. **Visibility:** this method is **public**. <br /> **Returns**: this method returns **mixed** <br /> ##### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Description | |-----------|------|-------------| | `$sql` | **string** | | #### Breyta\BasicAdapter::getStatement ```php public function getStatement( \Breyta\string $sql ) ``` **Visibility:** this method is **public**. <br /> ##### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Description | |-----------|------|-------------| | `$sql` | **string** | | --- ### Breyta\Migration\CreateMigrationTable **Extends:** [Breyta\AbstractMigration](#breytaabstractmigration) #### Properties | Visibility | Name | Type | Description | |------------|------|------|---------------------------------------| | **private** | `$adapter` | | | #### Methods * [__call](#breytamigrationcreatemigrationtable__call) * [__construct](#breytamigrationcreatemigrationtable__construct) * [down](#breytamigrationcreatemigrationtabledown) Bring the migration down * [up](#breytamigrationcreatemigrationtableup) Bring the migration up #### Breyta\Migration\CreateMigrationTable::__call ```php public function __call( $method, $args ) ``` **Visibility:** this method is **public**. <br /> ##### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Description | |-----------|------|-------------| | `$method` | | | | `$args` | | | #### Breyta\Migration\CreateMigrationTable::__construct ```php public function __construct( \Breyta\AdapterInterface $adapter ): AbstractMigration ``` **Visibility:** this method is **public**. <br /> ##### Parameters | Parameter | Type | Description | |-----------|------|-------------| | `$adapter` | **\Breyta\AdapterInterface** | | #### Breyta\Migration\CreateMigrationTable::down ```php public function down() ``` ##### Bring the migration down **Visibility:** this method is **public**. <br /> #### Breyta\Migration\CreateMigrationTable::up ```php public function up() ``` ##### Bring the migration up **Visibility:** this method is **public**. <br /> ---