### {{ node.FullyQualifiedStructuralElementName|trim('\\') }} {% if node.parent is not empty %} **Extends:** {% for parent in node.parent %} [{{ parent.FullyQualifiedStructuralElementName|trim('\\') }}](#{{ parent.FullyQualifiedStructuralElementName|replace({'\\': ''})|lower }}) {% else %}[{{ node.parent.FullyQualifiedStructuralElementName|trim('\\') }}](#{{ node.parent.FullyQualifiedStructuralElementName|replace({'\\': ''})|lower }}) {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if node.interfaces is not empty %} **Implements:** {% for interface in node.interfaces %} [{{ interface.FullyQualifiedStructuralElementName|trim('\\') }}](#{{ interface.FullyQualifiedStructuralElementName|replace({'\\': ''})|lower }}) {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if node.summary is not empty and node.summary != 'Class '~node.name %} #### {{ node.summary|raw }} {% endif %} {{ node.description|raw }} {% if node.deprecated %}* **Warning:** this class is **deprecated**. This means that this class will likely be removed in a future version. {% endif %} {% if node.tags.see is not empty or node.tags.link is not empty %} **See Also:** {% for see in node.tags.see %} * {{ see.reference }} {% if see.description %}- {{ see.description|raw }}{% endif %} {% endfor %} {% for link in node.tags.link %} * [{{ link.description ?: link.link }}]({{ link.link }}) {% endfor %} {% endif %}{# node.tags.see || node.tags.link #} {% if node.constants is not empty %} #### Constants | Name | Value | |------|-------| {% for constant in node.constants %} | {{ constant.name }} | `{{ constant.value|raw }}` | {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if (node.inheritedProperties.merge(node.properties)) is not empty %} #### Properties | Visibility | Name | Type | Description | |------------|------|------|---------------------------------------| {% for property in node.inheritedProperties.merge(node.properties) %} | **{{ property.visibility }}{{ property.isStatic ? ' static' }}** | `${{ property.name }}` | {% if property.types is not empty %}**{{ property.types ? property.types|join(' | ')|replace({'<mixed,': '<', (node.namespace.FullyQualifiedStructuralElementName~'\\'): '', '\\': ' \\ '})|raw }}**{% endif %} | {{ property.summary }} | {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if node.methods is not empty %} #### Methods {% for method in node.inheritedMethods.merge(node.methods)|sort_asc %} * [{{ method.name }}](#{{ node.FullyQualifiedStructuralElementName|replace({'\\': ''})|lower }}{{ method.name|lower }}) {{ method.summary }} {% endfor %} {% for method in node.inheritedMethods.merge(node.methods)|sort_asc %} {% include 'method.md.twig' %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} ---