# breyta Breyta is a **library** for database migrations. There are a lot of applications for database migrations but no actual library (without any user interface). ## Trivia I created this library after trying ruckusing-migrations. It's the only one that does not require any additional library to provide a user interface and is mentioned in awesome-php. Unfortunately it seems to be not actively developed and maintained. Also I'm missing some functionality and it is very old, not using PSR-2/4 and namespaces. The name for this library comes again from the Icelandic language and means "to change". ## Concept * A migration is a set of database statements * A migration has to run in a transaction * Logging is important and goes to the migration table * No code generating from this library (pure SQL) * No user interface (API only) * Generate fancy output and support progress bars ## Installation We only support and suggest using composer - everything else on your own risk. ```console $ composer require tflori/breyta ``` ## Usage > This might change in the next days till version 1. Migration Script: ```php <?php namespace Breyta\Migrations; use Breyta\AbstractMigration; class CreateAnimalsTable extends AbstractMigration { public function up(): void { $this->exec('CREATE TABLE "users" ( "id" bigserial, "name" character varying (255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ("id") )'); } public function down(): void { $this->exec('DROP TABLE "users"'); } } ``` Control structure: ```php <?php namespace App\Cli\Commands; class MigrateCommand extends AbstractCommand { /** * Your database connection * @var PDO */ protected $db; public function handle() { $breyta = new Breyta\Migrations($this->db, '/path/to/migrations'); // register handler (optional) $breyta->onStart([$this, 'start']); $breyta->onBeginMigration([$this, 'beginMigration']); $breyta->onBeforeExecution([$this, 'beforeExecution']); $breyta->onAfterExecution([$this, 'afterExecution']); $breyta->onFinishMigration([$this, 'finishMigration']); $breyta->onFinish([$this, 'finish']); // alternative: implement Breyta\ProgressInterface and register $breyta->useProgress($this); $breyta->migrate(); } }